merlin tsm/primaluna?

As I`m not yet ready to put a system together, I`m not going to bother Bobby P. with questions right now. For me, the tsm mm`s are a no brainer. The only other high end system I`v owned utilized merlin sig. 4`s as my speakers. I can`t tell you how much I loved the presentation with those 3 ways! To cut to the chase, what are your thoughts/experience with this combo (tsm/primaluna)? I`m setting a 4-5k budget for the entire system and from what I`ve read, the primaluna sounds appealing. Your thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

By any chance, did you make any comparisons between the RM10 and the Fila?

I've always been interested in RM amps.

Thank you.

I sold the Fila and kept the RM10 - but the Merlins sound superb with both - the Fila is a bit more in the warmth and tonal richness camp of amplifier design, the RM10 is a more neutral approach and nicely controlled and articulate bass, which I tend to prefer, why I also use Atma-sphere gear Nov-May. One should be able to live happily with the Merlin/Fila combo and I could have, but I love MR gear, so....
Actually, Bobby likes the e34l over the el34 and uses them in the Fila. Thay have 20% more head room. As soon as I get my SLI-80, I`m ordering a quad.
There`s an e34l out that`s under the brand name of groove tubes. If my memory serves me correctly, they are also made in Slovakia. They offer a gold or silver series and are more expensive. Whether or not they are made in the same plant (telsa), I don`t know. Bobby did suggest the jj`s tho, and after doing a brief online search, users seem pretty happy with them. They are used primarily in guitar amps.