Oppo Ceasing production

Just visited Oppo's web site.  They are ceasing production of all their products and will only do warranty work and firmware support for their products.  They no longer have the resources to manufacture new products.  Didn't see this one coming.
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I'm very sorry to hear this. Not always a fan of all their products, but I certainly love my BD player. 
Ive been telling everyone to buy a BDP 105 for a few years now! Are we sure this isnt a April Fools joke??? Although when you think about it...How many people are spinning Discs? Oppo sold a lot of those BDP105’s. If Oppo is no longer selling,this makes a Sony PS4 a lot more valuable imo.
Not a joke. It’s real. Still wondering why they don’t want to sell. Must be using it for a tax write-off.
I thought it was an 'April Fools' joke so I ignored the thread posts...but it looks like the joke is on us Oppo-istas. It's just hitting me.... I'm not sure how to react to it. 
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