NOS DAC Warmth


It is my understanding that in general NOS DAC's have a warmer smoother SQ then over sampling  DAC's

My question is if I match up a NOS DAC with a warm and smooth tube integrated amp would the SQ be too warm and obscure the nuance (details) of the recording ?


Would the 2 combine and present the recording in a warm lush way with the microdynamics largely in place ?


One thing I forgot to mention, but as a number of products offer both oversampling and non-oversampling, with them comparing the two becomes as easy as changing the channel on your television 
Steve, $13K and only 6 lbs.? That’s more than $2K per pound....!!!
Just joking as I’m sure it’s worth every ounce....I wish I could afford to have my cake and eat it too.
this stereo was so clear and transparent that when I played my cd’s it would reveal every flaw the recording contained. With an excellent flawless recording the sound it presented was breathtaking no doubt about it. However in my cd collection there were many cd’s that were not recorded to that high standard.

I think I understand what you are saying. Not all tube systems are warm and fuzzy, they can be very resolving, analytical and without any tube bloom.
Regarding digital playback, a CDP or a DAC can also be very resolving, without warmth. But first jitter in the digital devices needs to be reduced. Once that is accomplished, the true sonic signature of the device is revealed; it can be neutral, analytical, warm, or organic. It depends on the design.
Adding tubes into the mix may only colour the sound (distortions). It’s the even order distortion that can make a tube system sound so appealing.
So you really need to choose a DAC that presents the sonics you desire, it can be NOS or other designs.

And some CD's will never sound good, I have many of them. A high quality CD can sound great thru NOS or Delta Sigma. I'm very pleased with my NOS Dac thru a tube system, it's very revealing and not too warm.

Thank You to all who contributed to this thread and took the time and effort to offer their thoughts on the topic.
