Oppo Ceasing production

Just visited Oppo's web site.  They are ceasing production of all their products and will only do warranty work and firmware support for their products.  They no longer have the resources to manufacture new products.  Didn't see this one coming.

Case in point: I offered to give my son (36 years old) a high end integrated amp, high end speakers, turntable and cd player (total cost of equipment over 10K) with the only stipulation he uses it and doesn't sell it.
I'm only 57 and open to adoption. 

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Any thoughts that the Sony Universal Player cut into their disc player market?
Definitely sad news!  Fantastic company making up to date, attractive, reliable  products, and offering top notch service.

Regarding some wondering there's more to the story, I think it's dead simple.   A viable / sustainable business keeps going, and those that aren't drop out.

Saw a post on this site from Michael Green a few days ago.  He mentioned the high-end slowing down in a big way, and having something close to 625 dealers in his network in the 90s.  That REALLY stopped me in my tracks.   I can't even imagine 200 high-end audio dealers existing today across all the brands.

Seems like the old adage of the way to make a small fortune in this business is to start with a large one has never rung more true
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