Upgrading to Totem Mani 2's

I’m considering upgrading from the Model 1’s to Mani 2’s. I’ve read most of the forums here on A’gon regarding the Mani’s and the one thing that they all pretty much have in common is that you need a lot of power (and current) to drive them. I’m currently running a Plinius 9100 for my Model 1’s which is rated at 120 W per side (around 200 W @ 4ohms). I’m also running the Plinius on 220v which has opened it up considerably and gives the bass a lot more punch (something I know I'll need for the Mani's). My room size is approx. 15 x 22 and my listening position is about 16 feet from the speakers. I normally listen at a moderate volume (10 o’clock is loud for me and 12 o’clock pretty much drives me out of the room). I know the old adage that you can always get a bigger amp, but if I’m going to spend several thousand on a speaker upgrade I’d rather not turn around and spend several thousand more on upgrading the amplifier as well (at least not right away). In addition I'm very pleased with the 9100 and like the Plinius sound very much. So what do you think Mani 2 owners? Am I living in a bubble thinking that the 9100 has the juice or based on my room size and listening habits will the 9100 do the job for me?
Unfortunately, I sold the tube amp last week. My wife was getting on my case about having it sit in the living room unused for the past month, and I knew it was going to be at least a few weeks before the Mani-2's were broken in, so I chose the most peaceful domestic option :)

I'll be taking the Mani's over to a friend's house soon to try them in his awkward room, and he has an Ayre system with their VX-5 power amp.

Given how effortlessly and cleanly my Mani's are being driven to very high volumes right now, I say try the ref1000 - if you don't like them you can always sell them.
Too bad about the wife thing, but I can definitely relate. It would have been interesting though to have heard your opinion of the ARC tube amp/Mani combo. I actually auditioned the ARC VS110 with the Mani’s but I liked the Music Reference combo better. In fact, now that I think about it I also auditioned the Mani’s with the Ayre V5 and it was probably my favorite SS amp of the lot next to Plinius. But after 30+ years of being a SS guy, I think I’ll stick with tubes for now. Although I must say that 30 day money back guarantee that Bel Canto is offering sure sounds tempting. Happy listening.
Audire Otez - I think he retired but he is still building some amps if ya call him. May be my next amp.
There should be a website just for Mani 2 fans. Since my last post I got my pair of Mani 2 Sigs. with the Totem stands. Awesome speakers: In their price range, esp. used, I'm sure there are other excellent choices, but I can't imagine being unhappy with these. I'm using a C-J MF2500A 240wpc SS power amp; a great combo IMO.......
congrat's Steve - did you have a chance to compare the Sig's to the standard Mani's? I've had my Mani's for over a year now. Every upgrade and tweak I do to my rig just shows how great these are. I bought mine used, and they are an earlier vintage, so I'm now thinking about upgrading to the Sig's.

Is anyone else out there familiar with the improvements the Sig's bring?