New TEO Audio ICs, who has them?

TEO has been busy, they recently introduced the KRONOS ICs:

I see they also have an upgraded version of the Game Changer (GC II):

On Friday, I plugged in an order for a 2M run of the GC Ultra interconnects for use with my preamp to powered ATC monitors. Should be a revelatory improvement with respect to my current interconnects for that leg. 
I received my Ultra interconnects yesterday and have them in my system, unfortunately, it's going to be a while until I get 150 hours on them because my system is tubed, and I won't leave it on 24/7.

@ lak

Place them on your CD player if it's not tube based; that way you can leave your CD Player powered up 24/7 and pre-amp will put a load on the cable.

Lak , or use a DVD player on repeat for a week that’s what I did with both GC 2 and my current Kronons .
I try to use a usb input on an older ’internet capable’ dvd player. You can load some tunes onto a usb stick and use you don’t wear out the DVD drive mechanism.