Hi,I have had the new Avalon Isis for about a week now and put about 125 hours on them and I believe this is Avalon finest moment to date.The speaker is big but not a huge footprint 60x14x17 and it is actually more transparent and detailed than the diamond and it has the slam and bass that has never been heard thru a avalon speaker,and to top it off it is 90 db efficient.Mine is still breaking in but I believe you will hear a lot about this speaker before to long.
Rx8man,as of now everything I contemplate is still,only,speculation.The Isis does seem to be a superb design,but will need a large room.Also,the nominal impedence of four ohms/90 db sensitivity can still impact amp choice,so as with any previous choice I actually must take a good bit of time to decide.I'm still some time away from any move,and the room will determine ultimate choices.As of now,based on room it's Isis/large tube amp(which will be HOT in summer,and must be considered),Kharma Mini Exquisite/Lamm 2.1(if the room is of modest size),or keeping my Ascent,which to be candid is FAR better than any old reviewer/owner who no longer owns them,could ever imagine.

The Ascent was/is a supremely easy load,a superb sealed design,with a very capable external crossover,allowing for each driver to see it's own amp(from one).

It may actually be the best product in my system,which is quite up to date.Allowing for the most minute detail,of a mod or tweak,to clearly stand out.They are so revealing,that I honestly believe the older owners,no longer having them,actually put the speakers at fault,for sonic problems elsewhere in the chain.THIS I HAVE LEARNED FROM YEARS OF OWNERSHIP!They truly are that good.

Also they are far more dynamic than I formerly ever thought,now that I have learned to feed them with a clean line,and correct componentry.Especially,with the addition of a high quality sub(for me,ONLY to come in at about 25 hz,and with just a tiny bit of gain).This adds real ambience,and slam.It was that additional depth and "slam factor",that many of the original owners had trouble with,though they easily go down to about 38hz,in my room.Technology,and progress can be a wonderful thing.In this case,a good sub,and there are plenty,but they really have to be voiced super carefully,to match the Ascents!

Most newer Avalon owners(all of the newer stuff is superb,btw,based on what I've heard),don't realize that the Ascents were actually 230 lbs,per channel,including crossovers.Mass IS a good thing in speakers!

Also,sorry for the length,but maybe you can appreciate my experiences,these Ascents have a superb sense of harmonic correctness,along with incredible detail!It took me a long time,in voicing my room/set-up,to get this,but the vast majority of the new "darlings of the industry" are still not there.

Now that you have read this you may ask why I'd ever consider moving away from them.The answer being that it has taken me years of voicing the room/speaker/set-up interface to get to this point,and I have a home too big for my self and wife to stay in much longer.So,essentially I'll be starting from scratch.I'd love to take a shot(I love the challenge) at going with the potential of the ISIS,and MAN is the ISIS nice ROOM CANDY.Just the shape,to me,inspires a sort of sculpted art look!I know I could sell my spouse on it,but it really will depend on the room.Tough to obtain a room to do it justice,but I love the pondering possibilities.

The small SET amp/Kharma route would be the opposite for me.Of course it would be considered only in a small environment.Yet,there is a very palpable flowing,organic presence to that combo.Oppisite to ISIS,but quite a valid alternative!

Back to the Ascent.----I cannot bear the thought of repacking these gorgeous pieces of cabinetry(really incredible craftsmenship).One of the four guys who built,and signed the manual for my pair, is now in charge of ALL cabinetry from Avalon.My pair has a distinguished lineage,and I'm fanatical with care,and humidity/temp in my room,so they are flawless.Just can't see moving them,and keeping them to my standard,but it CAN be rationalized.BTW-I AM aware that I'm nuts.My wife reminds me of this weekly!

As to the used market pricing on the Ascents.The pricing is a STEAL,for the level of craftsmanship,and still easily SOTA performance to be had,so long as they are maintained correctly.Meaning,not too much RAP music,at 110 db,using a four hundred watt receiver!!

BUT,BUT,BUT---The ISIS is,in a good sized room,from an "object d'art"and potential performance standpoint a product that really can be considered of heirloom standard.I hope that it is not too hard on it's mated amp,as this can destry the magic that looks to be had in them.A really easy load(not just a spec),is clearly audible in the listening.Time will tell.

BTW--the next time you see an Ascent on the used mkt,provided the owner wasn't into MTV,you may not want to sit on your hands.They really are that good!I know this because every time I have ever been unhappy with my system's performance I "had" placed the blame on my pair.What I have finally come to realize,is that all they were guilty of,was to tell me to look elsewhere in the chain.It still amazes me.Now if the ISIS can do that into a larger listening area,and don't stress the amplifying chain,then we may have reached Nirvana!!I look forward to semi retirement!

BTW--the OSIRIS was NOT polite.I have been quite familiar with it.Avalon did NOT provide a seperate bass amp with it,as they do with the Sentinals.So you really had to get the right match.Much easier to get rid of something,than go through the lengths to voice it,and I can't blame those owners,as they had the bucks to move on,since the OSIRIS was not cheap!

Anyway,sorry for this lenghtly rant!!

Best of luck!!
Congratulations, Strapper! Glad to hear your report; I'd love to hear a pair some day.
Hi Sir speedy,
I went through Rowland 9Tis', Pass 600's, krell 750 Mcx' and finally a Boulder 2060 to get close to the sound that I liked. I didn't have the time/energy/patience to audition separate bass amps and bi-amp. I've spoken extensively over the years to the man at Avalon who was in charge of the project. They voiced them in part with Rolwand's and in part with ARC Ref 300's. I find that the Temptations really appreciate my Rel studio 3 sub, and that the Osiris' really liked the 2 Stentor subs that I had set up. So, i really did try.

HI, thought I would chime in. I must tell you guys the possibility of an Avalon apeaker with an increase in bottom and midbass presentation has reawakened my appetite. I now own the Diamonds, with some of the best highs and mids I've heard, but occassionally I am reminded of how emotional the midbass and below can be. Don't misunderstand, I find the Diamond's bass accurate...but depending on the material, a tad midbass shy.

A thought on the Ascents. I owned a pair of Ascents in the mid nineties for nearly two years. Amplifiers were Jadis Defy 7 and Jadis JA 200. My experience of tweaking the most out of a component was lacking, but I did find this speaker required lots of power. I first heard them with high powered Gryphon electronics at the Chicago CES in the mid nineties. I was in a large deep vacant hotel room with these two beautiful speakers situated in the center. The music, a jazz trio on vinyl, was simply the most realistic representation of recorded material I had heard. Timing being as it can be, I found a used pair, tried a few amps, a few cords, and eventually found I wanted more. The guy who purchased them from me continues to believe the Ascents may be the most magical speakers he has owned. His knowledge and patience proved to be what these Avalons needed. My wife, who shares no interest in audio, considers the Ascent/Jadis system to be the easiest to listen to.

Compared to the Ascents the Diamonds in my system, which are driven by Joule Rite Of Passages, the bass, speed and overall extension are better received. The midrange is another story. The Jadis/Ascent combo was delicious. I can still remember the delicate timber and fullness of vocals, strings, and cymbals.

Sirspeedy, what sub have you found fast enough to keep up with the Ascents? Do you experience any hump as the frequencies cross?

Thanks and good luck, Strapper211. I am truly itching to hear the Isis.
sirspeedy, my due respect to you. Enjoy reading your post and appreciate the passion you have towards good sounds. I share with you fully on how good the Avalons are and the fun of getting the best out from them.