Hi,I have had the new Avalon Isis for about a week now and put about 125 hours on them and I believe this is Avalon finest moment to date.The speaker is big but not a huge footprint 60x14x17 and it is actually more transparent and detailed than the diamond and it has the slam and bass that has never been heard thru a avalon speaker,and to top it off it is 90 db efficient.Mine is still breaking in but I believe you will hear a lot about this speaker before to long.
Congratulations, Strapper! Glad to hear your report; I'd love to hear a pair some day.
Hi Sir speedy,
I went through Rowland 9Tis', Pass 600's, krell 750 Mcx' and finally a Boulder 2060 to get close to the sound that I liked. I didn't have the time/energy/patience to audition separate bass amps and bi-amp. I've spoken extensively over the years to the man at Avalon who was in charge of the project. They voiced them in part with Rolwand's and in part with ARC Ref 300's. I find that the Temptations really appreciate my Rel studio 3 sub, and that the Osiris' really liked the 2 Stentor subs that I had set up. So, i really did try.

HI, thought I would chime in. I must tell you guys the possibility of an Avalon apeaker with an increase in bottom and midbass presentation has reawakened my appetite. I now own the Diamonds, with some of the best highs and mids I've heard, but occassionally I am reminded of how emotional the midbass and below can be. Don't misunderstand, I find the Diamond's bass accurate...but depending on the material, a tad midbass shy.

A thought on the Ascents. I owned a pair of Ascents in the mid nineties for nearly two years. Amplifiers were Jadis Defy 7 and Jadis JA 200. My experience of tweaking the most out of a component was lacking, but I did find this speaker required lots of power. I first heard them with high powered Gryphon electronics at the Chicago CES in the mid nineties. I was in a large deep vacant hotel room with these two beautiful speakers situated in the center. The music, a jazz trio on vinyl, was simply the most realistic representation of recorded material I had heard. Timing being as it can be, I found a used pair, tried a few amps, a few cords, and eventually found I wanted more. The guy who purchased them from me continues to believe the Ascents may be the most magical speakers he has owned. His knowledge and patience proved to be what these Avalons needed. My wife, who shares no interest in audio, considers the Ascent/Jadis system to be the easiest to listen to.

Compared to the Ascents the Diamonds in my system, which are driven by Joule Rite Of Passages, the bass, speed and overall extension are better received. The midrange is another story. The Jadis/Ascent combo was delicious. I can still remember the delicate timber and fullness of vocals, strings, and cymbals.

Sirspeedy, what sub have you found fast enough to keep up with the Ascents? Do you experience any hump as the frequencies cross?

Thanks and good luck, Strapper211. I am truly itching to hear the Isis.
sirspeedy, my due respect to you. Enjoy reading your post and appreciate the passion you have towards good sounds. I share with you fully on how good the Avalons are and the fun of getting the best out from them.
David,don't feel so bad(I'm sure you don't-:).Up until three years ago,I was about to do a MAJOR revamping of my system,due to not getting what I had hoped my room/system was capable of.I really did not want to go through anymore component changes,as I've owned a ton of previous stuff,but was quite dissatisfied with my ultimate results.I have a large music collection,of many original,and superb "classic",and classical LP's.I was really not able to coax,from these gems,what I thought I might have gotten,when building a dedicated room.

So,one day,I was describing to a dear(and very experienced)hobbyist/friend how dissappointed I was,in myself.Truly!!

Fortunately,he has been in this hobby,at every level,almost.We agreed we would basically break down all set-up parameters,unfortunately I did all the legwork,and still bear the aches.So,by committee,my loyal friends came over to give a big assist.This took multiple listening sessions,over a LONG time.Talk about patience!

If not for the patience of my little audio group(it helped that there was a superb restaurant nearby),I might be an aquarium hobbyist,or photo buff at this point,instead of sticking with audio.A hobby I've been at for 38 years.SO frustrated was I,at that point.

Well,thank GOD for my pals,particularly the "GREAT" Sid Marks.A good ear,and budget is a wonderful thing to have,in this hobby.Yet It's clear to me that having some friends who "really" know what music sounds like,and how to set up a system,independently of suppositions is of far greater importance!Lucky me!!

I'm serious when I state that everything I've come to learn,about the "art of music reproduction,in the home",has come by committee.

It's great to have a group of fellow "music first",hobbyists,who know what they are doing.Now instead of recycling the water in a fish tank,I can listen to "La Mer",instead,and you don't have to worry about your speakers leaking on the floors!!

BTW-With all due respect,the Osiris' I was privy to were bi-amped.Though,for you,this should be of little consequence,as you moved to a STUNNING speaker in the Dyna Audios anyway!!
