PS Audio Power Plants

My music on great days sounds three dimensional with  great sound stage depth, good solid bass , and no harshness on the high end.Those few days, I may listen for hours, However most days it sounds flat with no depth and I can't listen for more that 30 minutes or so. This is not a new thing. Its been happening through all different equipment and several houses for years
Has anyone had this experience and would a PS Audio Power Plant like the P10 or P20 help?
I just recently purchased a used PS Audio Power Plant Premier, it wasn't working properly, so I sent it in to PS Audio for repair. While talking to PS Audio technical support, I asked what the difference was between the PPP and the new P5/P10/P20....Besides price? His answer was basically, the bells and whistles (Cool LED/LCD screen, network connectivity, and oscilloscope functions) As for the re-generation section he said it was basically the same through all the products. Minor improvements but nothing earthshaking...
Once I got my PPP back and installed into my system, their was a noticeable difference is sound...The noise floor was so low that the music presented itself as completely new recordings. To hear the finer details in the sound was astounding. 
I do not believe line conditioners would provide you with the same result as a power regenerator could based on how the 2 work, which is completely different with completely different outputs. 
@keithjacksontucson if you can find a used P5 or P10 I'd buy it in a heart beat or even a PPP as it will support up to a continuous load of 1500W which a significant continuous load. 
As someone who has an entire system of PS Audio,  i am admittedly a bit prejudiced.  I have gone from a PPP, to a P5, to a P10 and each time was a noticeable improvement in sound.  If i would use one sentence,  it was that everything was more effortless and easy sounding.  I plan to buy a P20 later this year and sell the P10.   just got to save up my duckies first.
@joeschmoe I had a much different conversation with PS tech. support. Perhaps the circumstances at the time affected our conversation. At that time, PS was offering over $1000 in trade-in value on a P5 or P10. Their advice to me was definite that the P5 would be a significant upgrade over the PPP and that I WOULD be able to run my power amp off of it, which I could not do with the PPP. The time I tried to do so, the regenerator went offline requiring me to return it to PS.

I did the deal and my entire system runs off of it using only 34% of its capacity! A great piece of gear.
I'm a big fan of PS Audio gear and have been extremely happy with my DirectStream Junior DAC. I purchased the P5 last year. I liked the sound improvement, but that was completely outweighed by sound of the fan, which ran fairly often. I sit in the near field, about 9 feet from each speaker, so that's probably about 8 feet from my media cabinet where the P5 was. I could hear the fan noise plain as day. I contacted customer support and they had me record the sound of the fan with my iPhone. Upon listening to the recording, they felt there was a problem with the unit and had me send it back for repair. I wasn't really convinced that the fan would stop making noise completely so I just had them process the return. They were really good about it. I just learned the lesson that for me, cooling fans are a no-go in my system. I got a Shunyata Hydra AV instead and I've been quite happy. I would have liked to get a P10 (which is fanless), but I don't have room for it. 
i would like to respond also to the comment above about what the PS tech guy said.  here is my response after doing a little homework.

The newer designs use all new devices including outputs and drivers. These are much more robust and cut the output impedance in half which contributes greatly to sound quality. Energy storage has doubled. The sine wave generation is lower distortion and uses a much higher resolution Dac to generate the sine wave. The difference in sound quality between the two is significant.

I do know that the PPP was bettered by the P5 which in turn was bettered by the P10.  it has a lot to do with the energy storage and the sine wave being generated.  I am no techie so this is the best i can do. I am pretty confident that the P20 will be much better.