Hi,I have had the new Avalon Isis for about a week now and put about 125 hours on them and I believe this is Avalon finest moment to date.The speaker is big but not a huge footprint 60x14x17 and it is actually more transparent and detailed than the diamond and it has the slam and bass that has never been heard thru a avalon speaker,and to top it off it is 90 db efficient.Mine is still breaking in but I believe you will hear a lot about this speaker before to long.
Strapper,you should not feel,even the least bit defensive,regarding any aspect of your wonderful ISIS acquisitions.Driver costs,or any other factor.The research,and decision to bring a product,like that to market,alone,adds to the final cost of a product.

Forget even Wilson.Take a look at the pricing on the Kharma stuff(which I love,btw)!A little,well made design,like the Midi-Exquisite,at 75k!!!!????Now,does your ISIS really look that expensive?

Sir Speedy I think you are right,the cost of parts in a speaker is a non-factor.Weather it be Wilson,Kharma or Avalon,the proof is in the performance and the buyers freedom of choice.Is the speaker worth the asking price and in my case the answer is a big YES!
Sorry guys but paying anything like this much for dynamic speakers seems crazy to me.
These speakers are inherently flawed devices in that they only radiate sound forwards.Go and listen to an acoustic band.Things like violins and guitars radiate sound in all directions.
For even half this sort of money you can buy some mighty fine electrostats or planar speakers that at least come much closer to the real thing.And they are better value because they contain electrical components and have a high labour content[stats]

Agree with sirspeedy but with different reasons. I don't care how much things costs per se in that each to his own. The value is the sound quality and there can be different judgments that, let alone the value of the marginal dollar spent by each individual. There is really no point in dicussing whether something is justifiable in cost: each to his own, period.
Avalon speakers have very high labor content, too. Have you looked at the

But it's the cabinetry that contributes a large share of the cost to dynamic
speakers, which is why planars can seem like a bargain. Likewise minimal-
cabinet designs like the venerable Vandersteen 1,2 and 3 series.