Should I eliminate my preamp?

I have been using my Audio Research tube preamp and Bryston amp to drive Magnepan speakers for years. Recently I added a Oppo blue ray player to my system and connected directly to my amp using the balance cables. The reason was to eliminate the signal having to go through another piece of equipment before it hits the amp. Am I wrong or what am I missing?
I go back and forth with passive and active .One thing I have noticed using a $60 SMPro Nano patch volume controller with my all digital library is no recordings have that drive your ears to bleed like active preamps can have . Must have had a dozen or so actives in recent years , Certain recordings were improved with added bass and treble from a active , but more recordings sounded bright . Used to think it was the recordings when in fact it was the preamp causing the problems. I still am bringing in active preamps as it is part of my hobby and is fun . It is nice to have another method to try that can sit in a closet and not worry about the price while its not being used .

I do have a question regarding passives . The pot used in the SM Pro Nano patch I use I assume costs a few bucks . Would say a Alps volume pot have a different sound ? I would assume all passives should have a similar sound . Is there a way to alter the sound with a passive be it with different interconnects or like I mentioned different brands of pots?  
One last thing . I have had 30 pairs of speakers in the last 5 years and have noticed if a duller sounding speaker gets used with the passive it will sound dull . Add a active pre and that speaker wakes up a little . This might be why people prefer the active with their speakers . When Using a passive with higher energy speakers in the upper mids and treble and those speakers did not sound sterile or dull . All system dependent .
I switched from using a DAC direct to my power amplifiers to a preamp and never looked back. The addition of a preamp substantially improved my sound quality st all levels. It was a “huge improvement”. 

However, as was stated above, it is possible that going direct maybe thd best but I do not know your system.  All my testing proved to me that a preamp, in my system, produced the best sound by a huge margin. You might have to test some combinations in your system to see what you like.

As as you can see from the above posts, everyone, it seems, has a different opinion.  If possible, j suggest you demo with and without a preamp and see what you like.  I did this testing and purchased a preamp. 
Using a passive I know in my case that there is a real noticeable difference when I go from a 1 meter cable to a half of meter cable. I has a fuller more complete sound when I use a half a meter cable no matter which the five brands I have to try.