Tube Preamps.....

I am running 2 GFA 565 Musical Comcepts modded Amps with Vandersteen 2ce v2. I am looking for a good quality tube preamp. With or without a built in dac. Should I stick with shopping for a used Mac? Or should I look at others also. Suggestions? Like to keep it under $3000. Could stretch to 3500. Thanks for your input. 
Really?  No one mentioned a used Manley Neo Classic 300B with two pre-outs to support the Vandys in future with a JL sub?  There, I’ve said it.  Ciao
Another note on the's much less expensive than many of the preamps noted here (about half the cost of the least expensive others noted), has more inputs both single ended and balanced with balanced outputs, and it has the cool 3 way passive/FET/tube operating options which can be changed with the remote from the beer soaked couch you got from your mom (or in my case, the throne I use since I'm Lithuanian royalty). I also found that the Freya really comes into its own with great tubes. I really think if the Freya cost 2 grand it would garner more respect immediately, and if more people said great things about them I'd feel better and less defensive about using one. 
Audible Illusions.....I have a M3a w/6H23NEB tubes and the new Aragon 8008 amp driving Magnepan 3.7i, SWEEEEEEET, to say the least. The M3b is even better!!!