Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
I am assembling a high resolution system with all Thiel speakers for developing acoustic guitar solutions as well as actual and consulting music production, in addition to developing potential crossover upgrades for classic Thiel speakers. By the way, all you A'goners, the upgrade project is proceeding, albeit a bit slowly due to the huge labyrinth of considerations. I have first-sample products on order and hope to have a report by the end of the month. I need an SS2. You may contact me at
Uh oh.

Anyone else experiencing weirdness with this thread?  At least on my browser the posts now cut off at page 55 where the last posting date is early 2016.

I hope it's only a glitch on my end and that we haven't lost all the subsequent posts!
LOL.  Turned out somehow (I don't know how) the thread sorting had switched from "oldest first" to "newest first" which is why all the new posts weren't appearing to me at the end.  Whew!  Never mind....

Thanks! for the update - tomthiel

have fun with your project.

Happy Listening!

Had a fascinating experience with the Thiel 2.7s last night.

As I’ve mentioned before, they image with a specificity like few other speakers in my experience.

Last night I was listening to the album in which the California Guitar Trio combined forces with the Montreal Guitar Trio for a live performance (album streamed from Tidal). So that is six acoustic (and sometimes electric) guitars lining the stage, close together.

The Thiels imaging was so laser precise that every one of those 6 guitars in a line were easily discernible from the one beside it! They just showed up corporeally in space and I could close my eyes and point directly to each single guitar, even during complex passages.  The images of the guitarists were not recorded up front, but are portrayed at a distance.  So the instruments are not full sized, but smaller as in further away.  This puts the guitars relatively closer to each other in terms of the demands of speaker imaging, and the Thiels literally  carved out each guitar in space where I could "see" one end and the other begin only inches away from the other.

For me this is one of the ways good imaging pays dividends - beyond the timbrel cues, he spacial specificity makes it easy to discern what any particular musician is playing in a mix. And the sensation of musicians playing in front of me is more pronounced.

(I’m definitely a "tone and dynamics first" guy, but I also require the speakers to disappear and image well to be fully satisfied spending big bucks on high end audio).