Going from an ART-9 to a Cadenza Bronze might very well be a lateral move at best. You really have to A/B them against each other to know which suits your tastes better.
Choosing a cartridge from what someone else tells you vs. live listening is fraught with danger. As an example, VPI told me what a great cartridge the Grado Gold was when I inquired about buying my (gen.1) Traveler so I took their word for it and placed my order. Much to my dismay I found the Grado to be the most boring cartridge that I ever listened to.
A lesson learned!
Choosing a cartridge from what someone else tells you vs. live listening is fraught with danger. As an example, VPI told me what a great cartridge the Grado Gold was when I inquired about buying my (gen.1) Traveler so I took their word for it and placed my order. Much to my dismay I found the Grado to be the most boring cartridge that I ever listened to.
A lesson learned!