Vandersteen Treo CT

do you have an opinion on the and do you own them or have you listened to them?
Mike.... I have not forgotten you and I will absolutely make good on the promise- Treo are in storage in Hanford birthplace... condo schedule took a one month hit when the bathroom tile was not up to WAF standards.....
i have heard the LM ( at Gig Harbor Audio ) driving an LS3-5a of some sort.... lovely sense of space, harmonica and tone color....I think the NAIM Atom will be hard pressed to match that - the extra special cork / constrained floor damping goes in tommorow, then hardwood floors...
couple of months and you and mr_m can visit and help me tweak what is now... reverberated space....
Also I see LM have a 48 wpc integrated amp out now...... with big very hot tubes - have to keep nephews away....
OK....update, some listening notes and....

contractor finished condo several weeks ago, some furnishings and stereo arrived: Basis 1400 with Rega OEM 300 w upgraded Basis silver wire, Delos MC,  Phenomena II phono, NAIM Atom, Kimber 12 TC in biwire out to Treo CT, Synology NAS

BTW the veneer job is first rate with bookmatching and love the wild Ambrosia Maple..

about 50 hours on it, almost all LP.....

i have to say in LOVE with LP’s again....yes I understand tgere is some cagey and unspecifc digital bits in there...never the less....fantastic sound....

in my situation the 40 wpc NAIM a/b amp is more than adequate.

let me say this they have the wonderful air, clarity and purity that is a hallmark of the 7’s i guess that is saying a lot given my other system is an order of magnitude greater $......

now the bad news for visitors in the near term, we are inhome caring for father in law who is battling we shall see on the invites..we are working to get them back home independent ...bit of road ahead....


Jim, great TT set up.  Where did you find a used Basis 1400?  ;)
Great thread. I really LOVED my Treo's.  CT or no CT, that's just a great speaker value in high end to me.  I think the Quatro is the sweet spot in the lineup though and it was an easy upgrade for me to want to make.

I loved working with Bruce in teh 80's when I was stationed out in SD.  He would never remember me, but I still have a Stax portable amp I got from him (with Lambda's) and the original invoice, lol.  I'd love to get down there some day to go listen.  

Fun thread.  glad I found it.