New Man Cave/Theater room setup I built.

Wanted to share my Theater room setup now that its pretty much completed and see what you guys think. I wanted something detached from the main house to minimize the sound at night so the kiddos don't wake up when daddy is in there jamming or watching a movie. 

1st link with the final result and others are the progress.

I like your man cave. I give you a lot of credit for all the thought and effort that went into your creation!
Just remember it's not where you live or who your neighbors are but rather the low-life's that come browsing through. I'm glad you have a surveillance system and hopefully an additional homeowners insurance policy.

My restless audiophile mind says "buy another shed and put it next to the first -twice the space!". What you have is totally cool -for now...
Very nice! Consider acoustic treatment on walls and ceiling; will give you a bigger improvement in sound quality than any component upgrade. "The room gives half (or more) of what you will hear".