Thanks to all of you, nod to Kenny for the mention of Computer Audiophile website. I am curious how you would modify the PS on a computer? I have three computers 1 Asus laptop, 1 older desktop, and 1 that I just built for gaming. I don't really feel like building another computer just for music file storage. Plus if I was to add another drive to my dedicated gaming machine that means I would need to run the program transferring the files via wireless to my router. Or I would have to put them on a stand alone HDD and plug that in to the router.
I haven't looked at any other sites yet except for Roon. I must say that I am somewhat disappointed when I seen the $120/year price tag. Is there no decent site that does not try to make money off of me? As it is the FLAC files I plan on running cost enough as it is without having someone else holding out their hand for more money. Also I am a PC guy so no IPad or anything of the Apple variety in my house.