Phonostages with Adjustable Curves, the Concise List

I have seen mentions of this in other threads, but can't seem to find any of these lists...hopefully this thread will help others as well looking for these types of devices.

Thank you everyone for your posts!

My old Scott 299 integrated amp has two phono settings - "riaa nartb Ortho" and "euro 78." Its a wonderful old school amp that my grandfather bought when it first came out, and I later spent years listening to it at home as a kid. Anyone know what nartb stands for? 

Also the fehlauer monophonic phono stage is built specifically for this purpose and is wildly adjustable, and comes with suggested settings for an exhaustive list of early record companies. As the title says it's only in mono though. 
 Anyone know what nartb stands for?
National Association of Radio & Television Broadcasters - the predecessor of the NAB.
I have a TDL 4010.  It is a great unit but they stopped making them a few years back.

KAB makes a nice one that is reasonably priced.

Tempo keeps saying they are going to come out with a couple but it may be a wait!

Fehlauer  has good reviews.

The Sentec 10 also though the Sentec 11 is a big step down in terms of utility.

Graham Slee but some may be put off by its looks.  (Like me!)

While not a dedicated phono stage, the Anthem STR integrated amp has multiple curves to choose from in its phono stage.