JL Audio e112 or HSU ULS MK2

Hello everyone,
Trying to decide between dual JL E112s or dual HSU research ULS mk2. Price difference is big but what about performance? Does any have any direct experience with HSU subs? I’ve heard great things about HSU but never heard one in person.

I do 75% movies 25% music.
Thanks in advance.

@danimaz, If you reread my post above, you will notice I did NOT state that I prefer Rythmik over Hsu and JL. I brought Rythmik to your attention firstly because you responded to mzk’s post about the Rythmik F18 by saying you are not interested in an 18" sub. Okay, Rythmik also offers, as I said, 8" 12", and 15" models. Secondly because I thought you might be interested in a line of subs priced in the neighborhood of Hsu’s, but with sound quality more akin to that of JL’s. If I was mistaken, simply ignore Rythmik. If you ever hear one, I suspect you will regret having done so.

To answer your other question, yes I own a Rythmik (four, actually), as well as a pair of Hsu’s and KEF B139 woofers (the legendary driver used by Dave Wilson in his WAMM loudspeaker) in transmission-line enclosures.

You state you heard of Hsu only recently, and did so in the process of researching the JL’s. Hsu’s are fine subs (and designer/owner Dr. Hsu a great guy---I met him at CES in Las Vegas, and picked up my Hsu subs at his facility), with many satisfied owners. So are Rythmiks, and reviews by their owners can be read on the Rythmik website, as well as on various hi-fi forums.

Rythmiks, like Hsu’s, are sold directly to the public, with a money-back trial period. Look to see if Salk Speakers will be showing at AXOPA---Jim builds the Rythmik Direct Servo-Feedback Sub into his higher-priced loudspeakers. If he is at the Chicago show, see if he is demoing any of those models.

In your post you state the sub(s) will be used 75% for movies, 25% for music. While maximum SPL at very low frequencies is not the highest priority for many listeners in a music sub, it generally is in a home theater sub. The output capability and reach into lower frequencies of an 18" woofer is considerably greater than that of a 12" or even 15" woofer. You can buy the 18" Rythmik sub---either in a sealed or ported enclosure---for less than the price of a 12" JL. Something to consider.

@bdp24 can you share some data if you have any on HSU ULS15 vs Rythmik f15HP? Or why you prefer rhythmik over HSU. The choice of some words you used above in your comments like -  'it will be my loss' 'I'll regret not listening etc.. it seems  as if you prefer Rythmik over anything life.
BTW your post is way to long to read on my phone. If you have any questions in there I’ll address those later..

Also since I am in no hurry to purchase a sub I'll do some of my own research on Rythmik or may be order one for a demo. Thanks for the recommendation
Dang it danimaz, I just pointed out to you that I never said I prefer Rythmik over Hsu! I "prefer Rythmik over anything life"? You lost me. And what constitutes "data"? No, I don’t have any data. For 75% movie use, I’m sure just about any ol’ sub will be fine. Rythmik’s are for those who require a sub that excels at reproducing music---a sub that can do that has no problem with movie sound effects. The inverse is not necessarily true.
@bdp24 by why do you prefer... lol I'm just playing! BTW HSU uls 15 has been out of stock for quite some time now and the more I read about Rythmik the more interested I get in it. I'm definitely going to try to demo it now. 
Thank you !!