What's your favorite lyric from a song?

Just curious what stays with people...
James McMurtry - "Honey don't you be yelling at me when I'm cleaning my gun". Copper Canteen on Complicated Game.
"Cuz what they do in Washington
Iz looking out for number one
Number one ain’t you
You’re not even
"number two"."
Frank Zappa - You are what you iz
Frank sang this on SNL and was banned for life.
"So there'll be no guiding light for you and me
We are not sailors lost out on the sea
We were always headed toward eternity
Hoping for a glimpse of Gaililee."

Emmylou Harris - The Pearl
"Fish swim
 birds fly...
 lovers leap
 by and by...
 Old men
 sit and think.
 ……...I drink"

Mary Gauthier  "I Drink"

Reminds me of this gem delivered in a dead pan matter of fact voice by the late great J J Cale,

”I can’t swim and I can’t fly
I ain’t no fish, I ain’t no bird in the sky
I can’t tell if the sun’s gonna shine
And I don’t know if you’ll ever be mine
But I’ll make love to you any old time”