I'm looking for good suggestions on a used, less than 10 years old preamp to pair with my Mark Levinson 532h amp and Revel F206 speakers. Currently using an Anthem MRX510. Looking for a little more resolution. I've reviewed Levinson, Ayre and Parasound Halo JC as great reviewed preamp. Any suggestions?
There are a couple of conrad johnson pre-amps currently listed on this site. No affiliation with either seller. CJ is a premier manufacturer of tubed pre-amps and support their products very well.
Thanks for the replies, I am more interested in a sold state, but maybe I should be open to tubes. I don't know how reliable and how long they go before needing service or new tubes.
This is a shameless plug, but I have one for sale here on Agon which is a perfect match... T+A Elektroakustik .... Read about them on Agon. Extremely nice gear.
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