Line magnetic 508 with Tekton Double Impacts. Match Up

I   Ordered a Line Magnetic 508 and have been thinking hard  about getting the Devore 096s but have been hearing a lot of talk about the DI  they cost a quarter of the Devore speakers.I have seen one post saying they are a good match.I was wondering if anyone else has had the opportunity to listen to the match.I wish I could hear the DI in person.I am sorry if this has been covered before.

@plga I use Allnic L3000 Mk2 with my LM 508. I know that doesn't answer your question as it's an all tube pre. However, Allnic is very neutral and balanced. It takes the LM to a new height (albeit transparency is reduced) allowing all the SET magic to shine and adds weights/authority/fullness to the bass.

I think if you are looking for a SS pre, make sure it's utterly transparent and neutral such that it doesn't mask the SET beauty of LM 508.
Thank you radiohead99!!

Right now Im thinking more about getting a nice tube preamp under the 2K budget. 

What would say that a nice valve preamp could add to the LM508? I mean in terms of dinamics, sounstage, bass, fullness, etc.

Any other opinions? I think I read Walter Salas has some nice valve preamps. I hope he can add something to the thread. 

Greetings, all.

I have indeed had some nice preamps in the past, several of which I would dearly love to have now to try with my LM 508. Alas, they are long gone. I have been running my 508 strictly as an integrated since I bought it and have been so pleased with the results (after tube rolling), that my incentive to shell out another $3-5K for a preamp has been fairly low. Then again, I am a big believer that a high quality preamp can and would add another dimension to the sound.

I do not doubt at all that radiohead99's observations are spot on. One of these days, I'll find a good deal on a preamp and try it out. In your price range, you might find a Don Sachs Model 2 come up at some point, or one of the cheaper Backerts. Those are two I'd like to hear with the 508.

I have an Allnic phono stage that I like a lot, so I bet radiohead99 is getting great results with the L300o Mk2.

Hi Walter Salas 
What tubes did you like the most on the 508?

Wich ones made the bigest improvement in sound for you?

I would like to smooth out the high frecuencies a little bit and may be get a little bigger soundstage. 
