Analog playback on computer.

Some years ago there was very heavy discussion on the PC forum about how to down load vinyl to PC. At this time, the analog forum was touting how inferior PC was to analog, instead of tuning in on the discussion, which was even in "Stereophile".

I purchased the audiophile cards for the PC that Stereophile recommended, and tuned in to the proper interfacing of analog to PC. Compared to how expensive analog is, the necessary hardware was quite reasonable.

Just recently, after purchasing a new cartridge, and some 6922 tubes recommended by "Uncle Kevin" at Upscale Audio for both Pre and Phono Pre, I got quite an improvement in analog.

The question was, could all of this improvement be heard on computer playback, and the answer was a resounding YES.

You gits out what you puts in.


jim204, I recall when the idea of down loading vinyl to PC was new, and all the conversation was on the PC forum. There was much discussion about computer analog interface, as well as the best DACs to retrieve the digital; I took it all in.

The biggest problem here is that the PC crowd is so much more advanced than the "horse and buggy" analog crowd.

There was a well heeled extreme audiophile who belonged to a club that met once a month, and when he hosted the meeting, he had to rush and get his analog gear together because he had gone digital; the convenience alone is worth the change. While it's too complicated to explain, "Geeks" are available to take care of the hardware for you.

I'm glad you're enjoying the pleasures of digital.
" ...enjoying the pleasures of digital " - It's funny when you're posting this in ANALOG section of the forum. 

"Analog playback on computer" - do you hear yourself ? 

No, I hear the vinyl records I down loaded into the hard drive; they went from analog, through a converter to digital, and then back to "analog" after going through a DAC.

Do you remember "Star Trek";  "Beam me up Scotty"!   Now anytime someone was beamed up, they were transformed to particles and returned back to their normal selves through the converter.

When digital goes through the DAC, it is returned to "Analog".
If anyone prefers vinyl to digital, fine.
For me, it's that I grew up with vinyl. I remember the pops and ticks, the stuck needle, having to walk carefully so as not to have the needle jump, and getting up every 1/2 hour to turn the lp over.
Perhaps there is more information on an lp, but when I listen to streaming music that is synced wirelessly throughout the house, and it sound great, I find myself enjoying the fact that I have an almost unlimited catalog at my disposal and never have to get out of my chair.
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