the above was an obviously biased and non factual rant.
I don’t like to ’take sides’ in these internet arguments (but it does not mean that I don’t!), as the best that can be done for a manufacturer..when doing to lose market share, lose potential customers, or lose prior customers.
People bend/shift subconsciously in the face of pain/dislike more than they consciously bend in the face of reason/like. That they emote their way to a narrow path more than they think their way to clear skies. In clever hands, this unrealized (by most) aspect of humanity is a doorway for manipulation. Expect it to be used, and used often. As it is. It is a standard tool in the propaganda toolkit.
In the final analysis, forum anonymity is a backward premise that has to go. Bad actors require loopholes in order to be bad actors, and they will quite logically gravitate to places that allow for the bad acting to take place and be of service to them.
Wordsmiths aren’t automatically innocent nor clear of conscience. They are merely good wordsmiths. And since everyone does not know everything about all subjects, nor is intelligence in perception and scope of view equal in all people... then...the good, intelligent, quick witted ’wordsmith’ can bend the word in order to service an agenda, be the agenda correct and humane --- or not.
This sort of wordsmithing has been the stock and trade of the Machiavellian psychopath for as long as humans have gathered and had societies. Socially, culturally, politically, etc...wordsmithing is at the heart of manipulating, shifting and enthralling groups of people in the given varied directions. the number of wars that have been launched and fought, in the wake of directed wordsmiths are, realistically....nearly uncountable. The aspects of human life that have been manipulated by the same sort of wordsmithing are also..uncountable.
Psychopathology is everywhere and is particularly rampant-and self feeding accelerating and spreading as the methodology of commonality among forums and contentious subjects ---forums where the authors and participants are allowed anonymity.
Essentially, John is right in calling the person out.
Be professional, be real when speaking on subjects that have the fortunes of others attached to it.... be as a known entity, >> or.... shut the heck up<<<, as your words come from behind a curtain, a curtain where any motivation and agenda may be going on. Your value to the conversation must be weighted in it’s full context otherwise the missive is meaningless and/or weighted by hidden motivations and drives. Forums deserve no exemption that public speaking in groups is not entitled to. In public (in person) groups, you receive exactly zero anonymity. And bad behaviour almost never takes place there. No space for it to exist.
Importantly...Psychopaths have done incredibly well with their faces and names known. Imagine what happens when you give them a curtain to hide behind. Imagine what happens when they program AI bots. (cutting edge technology is generally -at least- a generation beyond your given public perceptions and knowing..that's just the way things are)
Thus, forums are where the psychopathic tendencies will show themselves, as they are one of the only public avenues where it can comfortably the forums will be overloaded with such.
A clue for you, is that when you read on forums, you speak the words in your own head, and this involves the ego and the internal voice. Which is a direct doorway to the unconscious in you, the subconscious and drives/motivation system. It’s a form of auto-hypnosis.
There’s a lot more to it, but suffice it to say, when manipulating groups, that they exist..forums have become excellent tools to systems of oligarchy with respect to manipulating masses. They are difficult to control, these forums and manipulations of them... but the cheddar/opportunity of total manipulation is there in spaces, in taste, feel, and reality.... so expect it (ie, AI bot posting armies from black entities and bad actor government branches, etc) to not improve, but to worsen. Raise your game or lose it all.