Analog playback on computer.

Some years ago there was very heavy discussion on the PC forum about how to down load vinyl to PC. At this time, the analog forum was touting how inferior PC was to analog, instead of tuning in on the discussion, which was even in "Stereophile".

I purchased the audiophile cards for the PC that Stereophile recommended, and tuned in to the proper interfacing of analog to PC. Compared to how expensive analog is, the necessary hardware was quite reasonable.

Just recently, after purchasing a new cartridge, and some 6922 tubes recommended by "Uncle Kevin" at Upscale Audio for both Pre and Phono Pre, I got quite an improvement in analog.

The question was, could all of this improvement be heard on computer playback, and the answer was a resounding YES.

You gits out what you puts in.

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"Analog playback on computer" - do you hear yourself ?

If you have a sound card in your computer other than a DAC connected to it by USB then the sound card has to convert the digital signal by way of the DAC on the sound card and into the analogue inputs on your amplifier then you are listening to analogue from a computer. Simple really when you think about it for a moment.

Assuming the "Analoger" has spent much time and expensive resources in acquiring his class A rig, that he enjoys immensely; would he object to a class A reel to reel playback?

If the same dedication to detail and expenses are expended in things such as; analog to computer interface in the down loading to hard drive process, and the same attention to detail and quality of hardware on retrieval through a quality DAC; what you hear will be no different from no computer at all.

Since, most "Analogers" derive so much more pleasure from playing with their expensive toys, than the actual results of the music, that this would deprive them of that pleasure; they would rather caress cartridges than listen to music.

I, on the other hand, derive my pleasure from the exquisite sound of the music after all of the hard work, and considerable expense. Now I can focus exclusively on the music; "My love Supreme".

I doubt if there are many PC people who even own records; I know I've never met one.