Dear @lewm : Of course only a stupid does not understand that and follows posting. . My very first post in this thread I ask to the OP to disclose his home audio system with no answer yet.
Btw, what is a stupid person and an ignorant one ( at least for me. ): an ignorant person is whom in a specific subject has no knowledge about, I’m ignorant in several audio subjects.
A stupid person is some one that not only is ignorant but that not only " likes " to shows his ignorance levels but that does not has the " brain " to understand why he does not understand in that " subject " and follows showing his stupidity level: is a stupid person that’s different from an ignorant one like me.
The OP is not a stupid person but only a gentleman that has not yet the knowledge levles in the subject.
@ct0517 , please read the lewm post.
Btw, what is a stupid person and an ignorant one ( at least for me. ): an ignorant person is whom in a specific subject has no knowledge about, I’m ignorant in several audio subjects.
A stupid person is some one that not only is ignorant but that not only " likes " to shows his ignorance levels but that does not has the " brain " to understand why he does not understand in that " subject " and follows showing his stupidity level: is a stupid person that’s different from an ignorant one like me.
The OP is not a stupid person but only a gentleman that has not yet the knowledge levles in the subject.
@ct0517 , please read the lewm post.