Best used DVD Player...Not interested in Blue R...

Could anyone recommend me a good DVD player in the used market. $400 to boot. Not interested in Blue Ray blah blah....or anything like that.

Need good picture, good sound. Mainly for watching movies and concerts on my 2 channel Rig. Considering Sony DVP9000ES or something in that league.... will be using it as a DVD Transport for everything mainly.

Any suggestions will help. Thx

I have both a Sony DVP-9000ES and a DVP-N9100ES. The 9100ES has HDMI and can convert DVDs to 1080i; the 9000ES has no such capability.

Both are very good for CD/SACD playback as well, but I prefer digital CD with DAC processing by my Proceed PDSD to analog CD from either Sony. That is, I use either Sony only as a transport for CDs.

Ditto...Denons!!! If you don't need HDMI, very tough to beat and very affordable on the used market.
I know that you are not interested in Blu-ray or HD-DVD but a few months ago I purchased a Toshiba XA-2. What amazes me most about this machine is the way it plays standard DVD's. The upconverting chip it uses makes the DVD's almost seem like HD.Like you I listen mostly to concerts, classical and rock and operas. It is one of the most satisfying pieces of gear that I have bought and that means many. Don
OPPO DV981HD: $229 new with outstanding picture. Plays standard DVDs (not HD-DVDs despite the "HD" in the model designation)and a universal player to boot. They have a money back guarantee. I never sent mine back. Amazon carries them with free shipping.
If you can find one, the Pioneer DV-79Avi is excellent with audio and video. Plays anything you throw at it except for the new hi-res video formats and it is built like a tank. CGray market models can be had for around $500 new -- you may run into a used one for $400-$500 on eBay if you're patient.