Audible Illusions modulus 3A, what would be the next level of up grade?

I have the Mod3A. simaudio 400m mono blocks, vpi scout II hyper model, ps audio gcph with level 1 underwood mods, tekton pendragon speakers
The classic line would be, it sounds great!
 I think me pre part of my system is where I should upgrade.
 Any suggestions?
I agree with kdude66. Going to the Double Impacts from the Pendragons would be a very good upgrade if you like the Tekton sound. I also had Audible Illusions preamps for many years--owned the 2D for 18 years followed by the 3A w/gold phono boards for 6 years. The phono section was tough to replace. I bought a TRL DUDE used on Audio Circle and it has been a sincere upgrade--potent powerful bass, wonderful live mids and uppers, with very live sound overall. It took several tries to find a phono pre I liked as well. I finally bought a used Whest 3.0 RDT SE for $2300, but the phono section on the AI was VERY tough to beat, even with the awesome DUDE doing the line stage. The AI 3A does not eat tubes if you buy AI’s premium matched tubed set. I had the same tubes for all 6 years--changed them right when I bought it used on Agon.
Thanks for the input.
There are some pre's I have been looking at. I have not had the chance to hear them yet.
 Primaluna Dialouge premium
 Allnic L-1500
 McAlister Audio
 Don Sach's pre
 I do like my Pendragons, I've only had them for 9 months. I appreciate the recommendation and get where it's coming from. I'm in Toronto, Canada. Additional shipping cost, the exchange and 13% taxes on the total amount make it a pricey proposition. If I was considering the DI's (and I certainly have) I would be looking for used, locally.
 I would prefer to stay on topic and keep the discussion to pre amps.
You may want to look into the Aesthetix Calypso. A fantastic preamp from a great designer.