Anyone bought direct from ps audio and returned it?

I don’t have a ps audio dealer here in Minneapolis to demo their BHK pre-amp so I’m looking to go directly with ps audio. Has anyone returned a unit under their 30 day return policy and had any issues returning it. If it’s what I’m looking for I’ll buy it,if not it will go back.
thanks hiend.
I doubt you will have any problems dealing with PSA. I sent my transport for warranty service and it was returned within a weeks time. Customer service responds quickly to email, and even their forum is excellent.
I have not purchased directly from PS Audio however they are 100% excellent to work with and I would not hesitate to purchase directly from them. 
You have dealers within three hours if you want to make a weekend trip to see and hear the product first. The guys in Iowa will take care of you. Surprised no dealer in Minneapolis... Paul needs to get on this.