What position is your balance control set at and why?

For best balance and sound mine is set at 1-1:30. The right channel always seems lower. I have some hearing damage in my right ear from listening to car stereos in my youth. I’m 56. I do have ringing in my right ear but not the left. I have very bad sight out of my right eye which surprisingly make a difference in hearing. The left eye sees the left speaker most of the time and there must be some pyscho acoustic effect because if I close my eyes some of it goes away.  My clip light used to comes on and stays on maybe every 2-3 weeks and I would unplug everything and it would go away. Until I discovered if I stomp my foot hard it goes away! Funny like a plumber coming in and beating a pipe with a hammer and charging you $150!!!! The sound doesn’t change when that happens.  Go figure that. When I had a cable with a network box it would light up quite often. In the last 3 months I have changed out all cabling with Pangea interconnects and Canare 4S11 speaker cable. Is there some kind of low voltage issue with the right channel that would make the clip light come on even with any music playing???????

Actually gdhal....

"The scenario you describe might apply to completely different speakers. Two of the same speaker (brand/model) would also have differing efficiencies, but that should be extremely little, like less than one half of one db."

.....when you place one speaker on the left and one on the right there is a huge balancing difference. For those who have expansive soundstages the balancing act is crucial. Here's how big of a difference it is. Take a Martin D-28 and tune it up on the left side (where you would place your left speaker). Now take that Guitar to where you would have your right speaker. Do it with exacting measurements to how you have your speakers setup. Listen to how different the same guitar sounds in both left and right positions, it will amaze you.

I have a major problem with systems that do not have balance controls. Makes no sense to have every recording different and a system that is not able to play it correctly. I know High End Audio sold you a bill of goods saying no balance and no equalizing, but they were dead wrong and are paying the price for it.

Michael Green


Blueranger: As said above, all LPs or CDs are not mastered the same. It’s very common for me to have to adjust my preamps balance, with the playing of a different CD or LP.  I used to think I had a circuit problem. As far as your clip light goes and that it changes with your floor tap, I would say you have a loose connection in the amp.  Maybe a “cold solder” joint.  
Thanks for everyone’s input including Michael Greene! It does sound more balanced at the 2:00 position. Because of my room furniture and electricical outlet I have place my speakers along the long 20’ wall the speaker on the left is 3 feet from the side wall and the right one is 6 feet from its side wall. There is a bass trap in the corner behind my right speaker but not in the corner of my left speaker. There are 2 acoustic panels on the long wall and on the ceiling . Room is 20X12X8 high. There are 3 bass traps positioned on top of record cases. I have carpeting and drywall with windows behind me but covered with acoustic blankets. My speakers set out 29” from the wall and sit between my double wide audio rack. I know that’s a no no. Thanks for everyone’s input especially Michael Greene’s 
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elizabeth - ....I actually twist it back and forth now and then to make sure it does not get noisy from lack of use.


I do this periodically with any kind of switch, knob, button, etc. In general, this is a good idea - IMO - for the longevity of the systems "health". :)