Oblgny, congrats on the Vandy 3A's. Were they on your radar for a while? And had you auditioned before you bought? I have to go back to their website cause I thought 3a Sigs were still being made. Saw a pair for $2600+300 shipping so it seems high? I like the concept of bi-wiring, which they have. Not an option on Tekton DI or spatials I don't think. All your comments are relevant for me about Klipsch. "Bright" is a recurring theme. But....those Forte III's, like Tomic said, sounded good.
Oddiofyl, went for a more up front sound with the Heresy III ? Tired of laid back sound? I get that as your tastes can change. Mine can change day to day, like I said, based on mood. There is no "perfect" speaker, is there? Tekton is sending all other speakers into obsolescence (humor intended 😂).
Another complete system would be ideal to satisfy moods. $$$$
I do have a room issue in that I can't, er., not allowed to, be further out from back wall by more than 12". Rear passives and rear ported and Spatials all want to be out around 2-3 ft or more.
Oblgny, how far out are your 3a's? I cant imagine that depth in soundstage can be appreciated unless speakers are 2,3, or more ft out. True?
Oddiofyl, went for a more up front sound with the Heresy III ? Tired of laid back sound? I get that as your tastes can change. Mine can change day to day, like I said, based on mood. There is no "perfect" speaker, is there? Tekton is sending all other speakers into obsolescence (humor intended 😂).
Another complete system would be ideal to satisfy moods. $$$$
I do have a room issue in that I can't, er., not allowed to, be further out from back wall by more than 12". Rear passives and rear ported and Spatials all want to be out around 2-3 ft or more.
Oblgny, how far out are your 3a's? I cant imagine that depth in soundstage can be appreciated unless speakers are 2,3, or more ft out. True?