If you like Revel F208, you would love ....

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Time for me to start looking to upgrade from my Revel F208s. A project for the next 6-12 months 

Budget: $10,000 to $15,000 MSRP. I totally realize that the F208s are great and it would possibly take double their price to top them.

Contenders so far:

Revel new F228Be
Revel Studio2 or Salon2
Focal Kanta
Dali Epicon

Using all Ayre gear.

Spatial Audio X2's for $9600!  I have the Spatial Audio M4 Triode Masters and they are the finest speakers I have ever owned in 45 years of having good gear.  Many folks, like myself, who have OB speakers could never bide with box speakers again.  
Here are some other really nice speakers roughly listed by price low to high:

Magico A3
Joseph Audio Perspective
Vandersteen Quatro CT
Silverline Bolero Supreme
Acouctic Zen Crescendo (Underwood hifi $18k price)

If you'd consider used there's a rare pair of Joseph Audio Pearl 2s here now at $13,750.  You could save yourself a lot of time and effort and just buy'em.  Game over.  Best of luck in your search. 

Funny funny you bring up these Joseph Audio Pearls @soix 

The seller lives practically 7-9 miles from where I live!

Maybe I should pay him a visit...

I heard the Spatial Audio X2s at AXPONA and was very impressed.  However, I'd give the edge to another great horn-enabled OB speaker- the Pure Audio Project Trio15 Horn1, it even costs a little bit less.  

As far as other great options in the range:

The Revel F228bes are incredible, the Revel room at AXPONA was one of the best, and it was a dead-simple chain - Auralic G2, Mark Levinson 585 Integrated, F228bes and they sounded better than rooms that cost several times as much.

The new Martin Logans with built-in ARC to better integrate their woofers are also amazing.  The Martin Logan Expression 13A had potentially the best imaging at the show.

If you don't have to spend all that money the Salk Song3As really impressed me with a (relatively) inexpensive set of Schitt gear.  Simply amazing sound.  The combination of a RAAL ribbon, Accuton ceramic midrange, and a Satori woofer really works and Salk's speaker cabinets are finished beautifully.