Mark Levinson 326s Shutting down

Hi guys,

I picked up a used ML 326S from my dealer last week and it is intermittently shutting down. The dealer is going to take care of it ( they rock ) but was wondering if anyone had any experience with this symptom? It either locks up, with no response and has to have the power cycled, or, it will just reboot on its own.

I have an Oppo 205 connected via balanced Nordost Tyr, power amp is a ML 332

Switched to another input

Swapped out balanced IC

changed power cable, and outlet being used

Offset is 0

Gain 6

I had it running 24 hours straight, no issue. Then it has shut down 2X in 15 minutes. Really weird.

I am dreading going without it now, it really sounds great.

This sounds like a junker I would return it for a prompt and immediate refund in full it is not worth your time to troubleshoot this obviously defective, damaged and/or improperly modified product.
I have dealt with this same dealer for 20 years, I trust them, they will make it right.
no_money When you find out what was wrong with the unit please post. Its nice to have a great dealer for 20 years.
thanks Pete

i can recreate the lock up and or shutdown by knocking on the top of the unit.
I believe it is just a bad connection or the power relay is weak.