We Need A Separate Forum for Fuses

LOL, I'll bet I gotcha on that Title! ;)  BTW, I put this thread under "Tech Talk" category as it involves the system physically, not tangentially. 

More seriously, two question survey:

1. Do you think designer fuses are A) a Gift to audiophiles, or B) Snake Oil 

2. Have you ever tried them?  Yes or No

In the tradition of such questions on Agon, I'll weigh in as we go along... 
Feel free to discuss and rant all you wish, but I would like to see clear answers to the questions. :) 

Please be reminded, you are to have the "last word". 😂

You must (rpt must) respond to clearthink. 😁
Well, gdhal 👨‍🚀, I can’t very well respond to *you* since, as is oft the case, you didn’t actually say anything. You’re obviously boosting your post count to appear to be a player. Anyone else see the irony, as soon as I mention intellectual dishonesty guess who shows up? 😛
geoffkait"Well, gdhal, aka spaceman"

That is a wholly and completely innappropriate remark because gdhal has already candidly admitted to this group that his presumably youthful "experimentation" with mind-altering substances have left lasting brain damage so while it is fine to disagree with him or challenge his notions or "offers" it is not really a good thing to make fun of what is actually a disability even if it is self-inflicted.
geoffkait"The answer is simple. It’s called intellectual dishonesty. It’s just a little game they play."

I suspect that there is truth to this to some point but it is apparent also that many of these people are actually just consumed with faith, fervor and belief it is there defense mechanism against fear and the unknown and we must be tolerant and accept they’re faith for they are free to embrace the gospel of they’re choosing as are we should we choose to embrace a faith at all of course if we choose to not embrace a faith that must also be tolerated but tolerance is something that audio fundamentalists are often short of as is evidenced here on a regular basis.

>>>>It’s no such thing. It’s just a friendly game of whack a mole. That’s all. No real belief, no real faith, no real anything. Score: Naysayers 100, Believers 3.
