why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.
clearthink - It looks like gdhal has become sensitive today that is ok I think costco is funny even though I did not originate that nickname I researched it and found it is the name of a major "warehouse" type store in the US ....

Oh, seeing that you researched I understand much better now.  Sorta like if someone were to refer to you as "Everclear", right? Thanks for the explanation.
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It’s audio if it sounds good to you buy it! Ah duh! I don’t give a damn if it does good in some measuring lab or some blind test. This ain’t a math test. You are trying to please your ear not figure out square root!