why do people feel the need to buy expensive cable

I have tried expensive cables and one's moderately priced. I would say there were some differences but I can't actually say the expensive cables were better. IMHO I believe a lot of people buy expensive cables because they don't actual trust their ears and are afraid of making a mistake. They figure the expensive cables are better for the fact they cost more. If you have a difference of opinion or share the same thoughts, I would like to hear about it.
It’s audio if it sounds good to you buy it! Ah duh! I don’t give a damn if it does good in some measuring lab or some blind test. This ain’t a math test. You are trying to please your ear not figure out square root! 
Not everything in audio or life can be scientifically proven.
I'm with calvinj if it sounds good to you, and you like it, buy it.
There are many threads that debate this very issue and there are no winners just debaters.
Lak you are so right.  I look at these type of threads and it goes in circles.  Look if you have a decent system give it decent cables. Use them to tweak or enhance and enjoy.  If you don’t believe then stick with your chicken wire 
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Just wanted to add my 2 pence to this discussion. I must admit I have always been on the fence with this argument, believing, as most other do, that after a certain price point most cables are equal and that we just buy the look after said certain pric point. I attended the Bristol Audio show in the UK this year (have been a few years now) and purposely sat in on a speaker/interconnect demo being run by the Chord company, just to confirm my thoughts on my cables.

i wouldn’t  say I was shocked but I would say I was surprised. There was most certainly ‘differences’ in how the cables sounded, with some providing more depth and detail in the music. (Things you couldn’t hear with one cable, but could hear in another). 

Id say the demo lasted over 1 hr, the format was piece of music played for say 15 seconds with one cable. Then switched out with an ‘upgraded’ cable, then same piece played again. Totally open setup, all in view, with connectors showing (rear facing) . Very simple setup and no smoke or mirrors at play.

The main thing I picked up on was that most of the differencesi personaly heard we’re minor. I wouldn’t even  they sound better or worse, just different, some I like some I didn’t. I think that is more the point, they just sounded different, to some they may say they sounded better, others worse.

The only major thing I took away from it all, and the only thing that in my opinion DID improve the sound reproduction/detail etc for the better was the use of shielded cables. That for me was the only thing I would now make sure my cables had as this and only this made a big enough difference to the sound that I could 1) actually hear it and 2) say it was a definite improvement.

they also demo’d new silver banana plugs and £3k meter cables all of which I couldn’t say made anything sound better or worse, just ‘different’,  but hey, one mans different is another mans better.