Is $3000 pushing the limits for a geat monitor??

I want to go to a monitor speaker because I cannot physically handle the weight and size of a 80lbs floor standing speakers any longer.

I have looked at several monitors like the Sonus Faber Venere MKII series; Lenaham ML-1 made in Australia, Spendor, Harbeth. I have listened to the older Dynaudio Excite 12 and new version, Excite 14. I like the sound of both of the latter speakers, but the dealer insists I hear the Dynaudio Focus 160. Unfortunately, he has none in stock to buy or for audition.

Therefore, any member currently own a pair of the Focus 160, or have auditioned them recently. I need some good feedback about this model's sound quality before charging in and buying them. I also want to get opinions about whether a monitor can compete with a large floorstander. Thanks to all !!!!!
A monitor can sound as impressive as a large floor stander, but it is apples and oranges. a great monitor can sound better than a lesser floor stander, but they will always sound different and have different range capabities.

My favorite listening experience was with Focal Diablo monitors and when paired with a gothom JL Audio subwoofer I preferred it to the Grande speakers that were also in the store. Just my opinion to be sure.
The RAIDHO ACOUSTICS D.1 monitors can not only compete with, but best most floor-standers and all standmount comers.

Google the reviews for the superlatives, but to audition them personally is an eye-opener that may leave you gob-smacked . I heard them at the TAVES expo in Toronto.

Highly recommended
I have the Harbeth P3esr. I like them better than any floorstander that I have owned.
Don't let the size of the speaker influence your decision.
A simple two way sealed monitor on a pair of nice stands is my speaker of choice. BTW,the Spendor 3/5R2 is another great little speaker but the Harbeth is outstanding.
The RAIDHO ACOUSTICS D.1 monitors can not only compete with, but best most floor-standers and all standmount comers.
My D1's in walnut with the optional all black stand retail for 29.1K!!!
Might be a bit above a 3K budget limit.

As a former Dyn C1 then C1 Signature owner first I have to say ALL Dyn's are a fantastic value for the dollars spent. But to better them you need to spend mega $$$ like the D1's. I am personally doing an in home demo of D2's and I don't think the D1's are staying.

Check out Avsforum "Dynaudio owners thread". Lot's of great reviews of the Focus 160's. Here is a link and start from the last page and go backwards.