PS Audio Direct Stream JR

Has anyone here used the PS Audio Direct Stream JR as a preamp and if so how does it sound/ compare to a separate high end preamp? 
I’ve had my Jr for about a year now and tried it as a preamp a couple of months ago just to experiment. I typically use it as a D/A only into my Yamaha AS3000 integrated amp via balanced connection. Using the Jr’s preamp function I have to connect single ended into the Yamaha since its preamp input is only single ended, so not a true apples to apples comparison but close.

Upon first listen it seemed just as good but the longer I listened the less fleshed out the sound seemed. I switched back and forth over the course of a few days and ultimately preferred the Jr as a D/A only. Just to level the playing field a little I connected the Jr as a D/A via single ended input (not balanced like I would typically do) so it was a fairer comparison, but still preferred the Jr. as a D/A only versus preamp. Not terribly scientific but that was my conclusion, could easily go another direction for another listener. 

The Direct Stream Jr.'s maximum output voltage is:

1.3 Vrms Single ended

2.6 V Balanced

That might not be enough for some amplifiers to enable full power output.

I have the Direct Stream JR. and used it directly with my PassLabs XA30.8 monoblocks while waiting on my preamp to arrive and thought it sounded wonderful.  When the McIntosh tube preamp arrived.. I loved the DSJr even more. I thought the sounds became warmer and more layered (probably due to the tubes I'm thinking).  Not the most scientific review, but to my ears the sound improved with the preamp but sounded great even before.
If you don’t think the jr has enough output voltage, you can change the attenuator setting to high and you should have plenty of voltage to power your amps. Attenuator setting “in” is the low setting but it’s also the quietest.