Wilson Speakers & Reviewers


I've been reading a lot of reviewer system lists over the years.

Why do a lot of them end up with a Wilson Speaker

They do not appear to be the most resolving.........
Or is it Peer pressure ? Or magic ?



Crazyeddy:  It’s true, they were a pita to set them up out of the crates, but my dealer put them together.  I have had them spiked, but put them back on their casters, so I can easily reposition them, as I’m constantly experimenting with their placement.  However, once they’re assembled, they’re easy to move. I agree-1/4” either way, makes a huge difference, but most speakers are that way. I’ve done a lot of moving the upper portion, as far as the vertical axis goes.  It’s a labor of love though.  How large is your room and have you finally settled on a particular position, concerning distance from the walls etc?  Did you set up the upper portion, as the book recommended?

Handyman: Yes, I followed the correct upper cabinet set up as outlined in the manual. It didn’t seem right to me, so I tried different angles, but quickly went back to factory recommended settings. I guess the good folks at Wilson know what they’re doing ! LOL. It took me quite some time, maybe 2 months or so, of position tweaking to get that sweet spot that works for me. I jacked them up and removed the casters/installed the spikes. The problem now is the difficulty in trying other speakers, as the Maxx’s are just so heavy and hard to move. I do bring my Watt Puppy’s out every now and then, and place them beside the Maxx’s, and listen to them for a few days, but the placement is far from optimum. I just have to live with it, I guess. I do have a picture of the Maxx’s placement in my room, on my "Virtual System" if you care to have a look. I did not see any pictures on your profile. Wouldn’t mind seeing how you have yours placed, if possible. You also mentioned that yours are easy to move on the casters, once assembled. I assume that they are on a solid floor? Mine are on a thick pile carpet, and even with the casters, are still a real bear to move around.

Handyman: Forgot to ask, have you ever had resistor issues? I have replaced the 5.8 ohm A LOT!! I do tend to drive them pretty hard after a couple of beer though :)  Cheaper to replace a resistor than a driver !!
Reviewers might need a speaker that works with many amps?

I think there are a couple of reviewers that use DeVore, it's not only Wilsons.
Crazyeddy:  Yes-I’ve replaced my crossovers numerous times, until I learned not to shut off anything, “upwind”, of my amps first.  You know - power amps off first etc.  I also learned that all resistors are not necessarily blown.  I have been able to salvage one or two of the four set assembly and make a new set of four, using some of the old ones.  What is your source for new ones?  Also, I have Berber carpet.  The speakers are not very hard to move around on it.  I’m need to post some pictures of my room.