Wilson Speakers & Reviewers


I've been reading a lot of reviewer system lists over the years.

Why do a lot of them end up with a Wilson Speaker

They do not appear to be the most resolving.........
Or is it Peer pressure ? Or magic ?



Handyman: Forgot to ask, have you ever had resistor issues? I have replaced the 5.8 ohm A LOT!! I do tend to drive them pretty hard after a couple of beer though :)  Cheaper to replace a resistor than a driver !!
Reviewers might need a speaker that works with many amps?

I think there are a couple of reviewers that use DeVore, it's not only Wilsons.
Crazyeddy:  Yes-I’ve replaced my crossovers numerous times, until I learned not to shut off anything, “upwind”, of my amps first.  You know - power amps off first etc.  I also learned that all resistors are not necessarily blown.  I have been able to salvage one or two of the four set assembly and make a new set of four, using some of the old ones.  What is your source for new ones?  Also, I have Berber carpet.  The speakers are not very hard to move around on it.  I’m need to post some pictures of my room.  
Handyman. Yes, I have managed to salvage some of the individual resistors in the cluster as well. You are correct; not all of them test faulty, and it's easy to salvage the good ones to make another group.