Revel Salon 2’s (used) or new Magico A-3 (new) ??

Have recently heard the Salon 2’s and think they are incredible. (I owned the Salon 1’s previously
and now own Golden Ear Triton Reference)
i love the Refs, and they can be considered keepers for sure, but think I may like the Salon 2’s
more, but of coarse did not hear them in my house. 
I have heard them twice now, and was super impressed (as was my wife the last time) and think
i May make the plunge.

My budget for this last speaker purchase will be ~$11k ish, give or take. So having said that, the other speaker on my radar is the new to be released Magico A-3, but don’t think I can have a pair in my hands for another 3-4 months.

Has anyone heard the new Magico at Axpona, that has experience with he Salon 2’s?

I’m solid on Salon 2 if I can find the right deal (have seen them going for $9k now) I may grab
a pair. I have a local pair lined up for $11k. 

So, wanted to take a brief poll and see if anyone has the experience with the two pair in question.

Thanks in advance!

OMG, for once I find myself agreeing with audiodoctor. 

What's that? A green pig flying past the window?

I would highly recommend that in the future, you start such comments with "In My Opinion"....
Mine agrees with audiotroy, yes they are dealers and I’ve called them out in the past myself, but I believe there has been a real effort in the past several months to answer questions and being helpful over the selling techniques that I’ve seen in the past.
Sorry, didn’t realize some people will get confused if I didn’t say "In My Opinion....” {:-

@sciencecop. I understood and must agree. Some schilling has been observed. 
I listened to the Magico's at Axpona- def would be on my list if I was in the market. Highly resolved, dynamic sound.....if you're into that kind of stuff :)