Ethernet Cables, do they make a difference?

I stream music via TIDAL and the only cable in my system that is not an "Audiophile" cable is the one going from my Gateway to my PC, it is a CAT6 cable. Question is, do "Audiophile" Ethernet cables make any difference/ improvement in sound quality?

Any and all feedback is most appreciated, especially if you noted improvements in your streaming audio SQ with a High-End Ethernet cable.

@astewart8944 I would prefer an opposite example: someone puts a fancy component into the system and feels good about it, starts hearing better sound or both, good for him/her. Even if doctor says - it should not help...
Hopefully he/she did not spend a lot of money on that and no one who made a component feels like he outsmarted another customer and got easy money.
Usually when somebody presents claims of symptoms that have no basis in reality they’re treated with psychiatric medications. Is that what we should do with people who hear Ethernet and HDMI cables?
Doctors don’t just throw up their arms in frustration when faced with a difficult diagnosis and then simply write a script for psychiatric medication. Instead, they call in other physicians and scientists, often from other specialties, and they work as a team to find the answer. That’s very different from you simply pronouncing others here as crazy.

In some totalitarian systems, people who don’t conform to the government mandated norms are often labelled as crazy, and then pumped up with drugs or sent to a gulag. It sounds like you might like that kind of country - as long as you could remain in charge. Thankfully that isn’t the case here.

@kosst_amojan Because you have asked who says gravity is unimpeachable, I provide this link to Bill Nye, the science guy, and Michio Kaku, astrophysics guy, explaining that gravity is one of nature's four fundamental forces.
IMO when you are fighting gravity to make your point, you are probably losing ground. But, I admire your feistiness.
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@kosst_amojan gravity has pretty big impact is audio world, and in the way we all understand it well - it forces everything (including cables) to go down and end up on the floor close to each other. Believe me - I know, I have jumped out of airplanes and there was no cases of not landing...

And there, on the floor, when cables are close to each other and parallel to each other, EM kicks in.

That is where I can agree that high quality shielding and proper twisting of the pairs can make a difference. But difference in noises reduction.

Hope everyone can agree with my gravity understanding :-)