Audio-Technica ART 7

Good day A,goners :)

I was in love with the AT OC9 III sound until I damaged it accidentally !!!!!!!!!! The needle broke off completely of the cartridge. I am looking for a replacement. 

I am wanting to stay with Audio-Technica, and looking into ART 9 and ART 7. I read the threads here and some other forums in regards to the ART 9 cart. Most likely will go for the ART 9. However, I am curious about the ART 7.

How many of you here are /were ACTUALLY using ART 7? With what phono stage and gain setting? What are the strength and limitation if you are using / used the ART 7?

I will be using it on a Project RMP 9 table with the 9cc Project arm, Simaudio Moon 310Lp phono, XLR cables (6dB additional gain) to BAT pre-amp.  

Thanks a lot for your inputs :)

@lewm ... you are absolutely right sire.

Too bad the ART 7 is not readily available in the US.

I can’t imagine other defects that might require exercise of warranty.

Grey market cartridges with fake serial numbers are not supported by the manufacturers when it comes to retip, refurbishing. The manufacturer support their official distributors. 

William Thakker in Europe is an alternative source for the ART7.  I'm guessing that he is an authorized AT dealer.  You pay a bit more than with 2juki-- about 1K euro after deducting the VAT.

@chakster At the $1K price level I don't worry about a retip. By then there will likely be an ART10.

IIRC, the ART7 improves upon the Anniversary version with a stiffer and lighter liquid polymer coil former. 

@dgarretson i don’t mind buying even used, but the purists should know that official retip or any support is impossible if the manufacturer detect grey market product.

You sound like a broken record.

I purchased my Art-9 from 2juki and it is perfect. So too was the Shelter I bought years before. Dozens of audiophiles posting on multiple sites have reported the same over the years. Juki has a 100% positive feedback. Should something be wrong with a cartridge upon arrival, it can be returned--typically if it arrives in bad shape the seller will pay return shipping, notwithstanding the listing. If it comes in good condition it will have a long life and not be in need of any "support." Before you accuse a seller of manipulating serial numbers, which is to say fraud, you should offer proof which you have not!. Retips commonly cost about as much as a new cartridge from Juki. The only correct thing you have written is that the official (high mark-up) distributors don’t like grey marketers. I would not hesitate to buy from Juki again.

I have also read very positive comments about Thakker.