Help please

I have a system that is just ripping it self apart and I don't know why.
If there is anyone that really knows audio systems in S.W. Florida I would be willing to pay for help.
This is my last try before it all goes in the garbage and I call it a day.
Thanks Bruce
Here is a test. Lightly rest your fingers on the midrange and/or woofer of either speaker. They should vibrate more or less equally.

You can actually do this for the tweeter as well but you must be even more careful.

Another thing to do is to cover up the tweeter with your hand. See if you hear output from the midrange.

There's all sorts of damage that could have occured to a speaker. The new driver is bad, or a connection went bad during shipping. I'd suggest a local repair guy.

Also, you might want to measure your speakers. A calibrated mic that fits on your Android phone plus Audio Tools can tell you a lot.


You are sure the preamp is working correctly?
Can you try the preamp in a friends system?
It sounds like something is out of phase. Reverse the speaker leads on one speaker and see if that helps!
I think lak and yogiboy make good points. 
Please verify that you have confirmed those points.

If switching speakers left and right and the problem still exists in the same speaker then concentrate on the speaker. You could have a blown cap or resistor.

If when switching the speakers the problem remains in the original channel then concentrate on the preamp.

I have been emailing Jim Thompson all day , owner of Eggleston works speakers. What a great gentleman. So i put my Dynaudio C-4 speakers back in and everything is good again, so i told Jim what im hearing different and we are going through it step by step as i have something wrong with the Eggleston speakers. I still dont know what started all this mess, but with the new amps and my back up pre amp in there its working for now. Thanks to everyone for your suggestions.