Zu Druid IV - the real deal?

i just got done setting up my brand new pair of Zu Druid IVs. they just arrived this afternoon. i am speechless. my girlfriend is too, and quite frankly she could not give a damn about what kind of speakers i have. i bought these speakers without having heard them before. i was just curious.

right out of the box they are remarkable, and i can only expect that they are going to get better. music simply floats out of them effortlessly. wow. i can't even describe it.

now get this; i have them hooked up to a $799 Denon 2803 a/v receiver. $25 Audio Quest interconnects and cheap speaker cable. this is my second system, which i use mainly for watching TV. in the other room i have what would be considered an "audiophile" grade system. i can only imagine what these Druids are going to sound like if i give them a spin in there.

oh yeah; i have a REL storm sub woofer filling in the low end.
Skuras, Good deal... The tubes will be liquid and more laid back, I heard atmospheres on the Druid and the tubes were very sweet, you could always get a small solid state if you want hard dynamics and really rock, there is a difference if you want more edge, cause those speakers can do it. Thanks
I was playing around with the base to floor gap height. For my room, I prefer a height of a little less than a CD case, about the CD case without the lid. They seem to produce a more solid bass in this configuration. FYI they are on a carpeted floor.

mine are on a carpeted floor too, and i would say that my gap height is similar to yours. when i first set up the speakers i had them much lower, and the bass performance improved a lot when i raised the speakers.
When I had Druids, I got the best bass by putting tiles on top of the carpet and then gapping the speakers from a solid surface. In another post I read about somebody suggesting 12 inch square, 1 inch thick grey concrete pavers from Home Depot. I would have tried those if I hadn't traded up.

In a different house with hardwood floors, I used 1' square marble tiles. They served as floor protection, and I used carpet padding to adjust the gap height, and control reflection back into the cabinet.
