too bad Audiogon seems to have morphed to fussy, picky buyers

For years I've bought and sold here with no drama but that seems to have been changing. Now sellers seem to want retail pricing for their products while wanting to low ball on anything they want to buy.

At the same time I see more and more fussy buyers nitpicking the purchase, requiring tons of hand holding and concessions after they buy a fairly represented good working order item. 

No longer fun for me unfortunately.
One thing I could clarify is my perspective transcends Audiogon and audio itself.

We might consider the Sputnik moment for consumers gone off the rails the woman who with no sense of shame or decency returned the Christmas tree to Costco this past holiday
I have to admit that I have both bought and sold here (mostly bought) and all of my transactions have been smooth, knock on wood. So perhaps I have just been lucky. Everyone I have dealt with has been fair and good natured.
 agreed that the likes of usaudiomart look like they were designed by a 5 year old, i would not buy from there mostly because it is so hard to even find what you are looking for.
At least ebay and agon have well laid out sites with great search and sort features.
Now if sellers could just sort the buyers before they even waste time.....
The issue probably has more to do with the fact that Audiogon seems to have become more mainstream over the years. Your initially closed-circle audio crowd has fallen prey to the likes of search engines that any idiot on the internet can operate. Audiogon’s marketplace ads are listed across the web now. Your trade-off is more potential customers, but also more undesirable customers. If Audiogon can’t regulate, then regulate your sales yourself by enforcing higher purchasing standards on your potential buyers. Minimum feedback requirements, phone call to purchase, etc.
I have been really fortunate, I generally ignore the unreasonable low offers
i have also had a few absolute saints lately, USPS lost a Benz Ebony H and the buyer was just amazing....
ups managed to deliver three boxes over three days with a weekend between.....
again, sainthood