Fidelity Research FR14 as good Sonically as FR64 or Jelco750?

Would you do that deal? Is FR14 a really good sounding arm? I want to put it on a vintage Thorens 124 or modified Lenco75.
Is the FR14 as good musically speaking as FR64 or better than a Jelco 750 series?
"Is the FR14 as good musically speaking as FR64 or better than a Jelco 750 series? " 

My answer is respectively No and I don't know

"whats the next step up from a Jelco? I want the best or close to the very best ever for under 1500."

The best tonearm I owned in that price range was a pre-owned (NIB) Basis Vector 3. A great tonearm if you can find a deal. 
Dear @vinny55 : These are very good alternatives inside your budget: 

here the Ortofon info:

Origin live as Ortofon  needs no presentation. Both tonearms comes with phono cable interconnection cable.

Your choice.

Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
@rauliruegas +1

The Ortofon with removable headshell is a great choice if you are changing cartridges frequently.