Phono stage

Hello Friends
I'm close to Nirvana, re phono stages, but want a bit more juice, in the bass (SLAM), and a sweeter treble, that won"t make my ears bleed, just kidding, yes, on some recordings some recordings, it is a bit bright, I bought a used PS Audio GPH, that has helped, but still, want a phono stage, that will take me to the next level, don't let me wrong, the PS Audio, is great!!, but I think, I could do better!!, I'm on a pension, so the mega, expensive, units, is out of my my price range!!, I have searched the web!!, below is what, according, to reviews, I just need guidance!!
1. RCM Sensor
2. TW acoustics
3.Monk phono stage
4. Herron VTPH-2
5.Liberty  B2 ( I'm not sure, if a tube unit, will give me slam,)
6. Mc Tavish  design(tube)
7. Decware ZP3 (tube)
8. Nagra VPS, or BPS
What is your thoughts??
Bass is where I'm coming from!!, with a smooth treble, but with nice cymbels
rauliruegas8,450 posts04-05-2018 3:46pmDear @daveyonthecoast: Close to Nirvana?, well......that’s what everyone of us are looking for with out success.

I have to say that I'm getting very close to my Nirvana.  I upgraded to an ART9 and Manley Chinook with Bugle Boys, and it's awesome with my Primaluna HP integrated and Revel F208s.  I'm sure it could be better, but really... how much better?  The Herron or JC3+ could be better by a margin, but at double the cost.

ART9 and Manley give me a huge soundstage, very neutral top to bottom, and it's oh-so-smooth.  +1 more on the Chinook, and on the ART9.
I am using the TW ACUSTIC phono stage it is the best i have heard in my system.Im using nos Amperex tubes from 1959 sounds wonderful.
I would like to correct a rather broad statement I made above. The Aesthetix is very quiet with the best low noise tubes. These are not very expensive (new production). Even with somewhat worn (but wonderfully musical) Telefunken NOS tubes in the most critical first gain stage of the Aesthetix Io, the tube noise is lower than the vinyl groove noise. All phono stages are compromises, but to my ears, this is the one of the absolute best. 
Over the years i go back to my WLM Phonata reference phono stage and there is always more bass slam compared to any other phono stages in my arsenal. When i used tube intergated with NOS Telefunken tubes i’ve been looking for extended highs with this particular phono stage, i have replaced load resistors for MM to vishay naked foil 100k Ohm, but the independent MC circuit of the WLM was always a bit too dark for me with various LOMC carts. Now when i changed my tube gear to First Watt F2J power amp with First Watt B1 buffer preamp everything changed, i use my FR-7f LOMC with WLM Phonata and it’s a thrilling experience. The highs are chrystal clear with deep bass slam. The main feature of this phono stage is automatic impedance matching so that the input impedance for the cartridge is perfect each and every time. There are two lundahl transformers inside. But anyway in my case power amp has changed everything!

Sometimes we judge the phono stage, but it's actually an amp. 
The potential of my phono stage is much bigger than i expected.