too bad Audiogon seems to have morphed to fussy, picky buyers

For years I've bought and sold here with no drama but that seems to have been changing. Now sellers seem to want retail pricing for their products while wanting to low ball on anything they want to buy.

At the same time I see more and more fussy buyers nitpicking the purchase, requiring tons of hand holding and concessions after they buy a fairly represented good working order item. 

No longer fun for me unfortunately.
@moto_man -  let me count off some reasons why --It all started back in the   60's for me..   fm joins the musical "revolution " and many discover music via FM  .    theres something about using   an electronic device that  functions in analog and is known for either its ability to function at the zenith of the technology or is mediocre in performance just like any other device.   Some would say that analog FM sounds better than the digital variety..   The major hang up for me is while there are FM stations remaining..  (non commercial) my choice of stations are rare indeed and for me its likely that only major metropolitan areas will have music formats and the style or type  of DJ that I want to hear on air between those songs.   For starters No commercials with someone trying to sell something or talking about the monday , monday,  monster truck rally..    ..  A DJ that is involved with the station because they just want to connect via a musical sensibility.    As mentioned,,  this is difficult to find.  Often college stations will fit the bill,, at least part of the time,, depending on ones musical taste.   At any rate-- I will be trying at some point after I put up my unobtanium APS 13  yagi antenna and see if there is anything worthwhile in Chico or Sacramento..   Not promising but one never knows..  Its fun looking and even better to find something worthwhile.       
Buying and selling.... odds are the first caveman who sold his cave planned to kill the cave buyer with his club , and keep his cave to sell it again, but the cave buyer brought a bigger club and the deal went down! Cave and rocks were exchanged. The cave seller was pretty pissed and say he wont ever sell his cave again. Now reverse the order of the two cavemen , same game just different outcome. I personally have bought and sold alot around 200 items, and i got burned 3x and came out fine for the rest, bitchin about it dont change the game, the seller  dont always win, the buyer sometimes gets burned, ever buy a lemon only to resell it , i have, better to suck it up and take it than bitch and moan about ebay and audiogon and paypal , and credit cards .

 odds are the first caveman who sold his cave planned to kill the cave buyer with his club ,"

No that is complete fiction ancient civilizations had no concept of land ownership that is a western European concept that then was adopted by the US and perverted in to one of the most disfunctional  economies possible because of your corrupt government and big business and the simple fact that you have this idea at all about cheating in such a deal reflects that you are part of this corrupt unsustainable failing econcomic system.