Allnic H-3000 hum when mute button engaged.

Hello Goner,
I have just purchased this wonderful phono preamp used. The unit is running perfectly and quietly. There is only one problem, that is when the mute button is engaged, my speakers hum badly on bith sides. Anyone got any idea on what happens. Also, when the button engaged and disengaged, it produce the pop sound. Is it the possibility that the mute button is malfunctioning? Can a simple deoxit fix it?
@yogiboy The unit operates perfectly, and the music sounds awesome. I really don’t want to return it. And I think the mute button is sn easy fix. I am contacting the seller to see what he will say.
@lewm I know how to soldier, it just I am afraid I will damage the unit by opening it up the wrong way. I have made my own intetconnects, so I think this job is not hard for me if I could open it up. 
if you reach out to Albert Porter, he may be able to help guide you, with all the appropriate disclaimers. Never heard of this problem, but dig mine. He might also be able to tell you the age- there was a running change on the unit roughly 5-6 years ago involving transformers and a few things in the power supply. 
Love mine. 
Roll the rectifier tube- lot's of threads on that subject. Big differences, and some of the good ones aren't crazy money. 
Speaking of interconnects, can you say more about your other components? Are you running the H3000 in balanced or SE mode? Is the hum in both channels? (I assumed so, since you probably would have mentioned it if the hum was in only one channel.) If you're using the SE outputs, you might try switching to the balanced outputs, or vice-versa.
Hi Lewm,
Here are the list of my components:
 Garrard 301 with 2 tonearms:
Moerch  DP-6 with ZYX Aries 3 Moerch  Phono Cable
Polstar PS-UNV2 with ZYX Omega Gold, Polstar phono cable
Allnic H-3000
Homemade Silver IC
Shindo Aurieges
Shindo Interconnect
Shindo Montille EL84
Belden Speaker Cables
Devore Fidelity The Nines

I dont have any balance IC to try for now.
I will switch my homemade IC to the MIT avt1 IC to check.
 Thanks for the suggestion.